
people can put them indoors. Learn more about people can put them indoors.

  • What is the method of making indoor bonsai to put feng shui?

    What is the method of making indoor bonsai to put feng shui?

    Indoor bonsai, this is a lot of people are in breeding, there is a shape of plants is so good-looking, indoor bonsai production method is what? What is the fengshui of indoor bonsai: how to make indoor bonsai: (1) prepare evergreen plants, fish tanks, stones and soil that need to be planted.

  • Don't keep these kinds of flowers indoors no matter how much they cost. Throw them away as soon as possible.

    Don't keep these kinds of flowers indoors no matter how much they cost. Throw them away as soon as possible.

    Now families like to raise some flowers to decorate the space, but some flowers are good for people indoors, while others can endanger human health indoors. Such as: affect people's sleep, cause allergic reactions, cause skin itching.

  • How to grow lilies? Is it poisonous to put it indoors?

    How to grow lilies? Is it poisonous to put it indoors?

    Lily language means that lilies have the meaning of good family and great love for a hundred years, and have the meaning of deep blessing. Lilies are deeply loved by people because of their quiet and introverted characteristics, so how to raise lilies? Is it poisonous to put it indoors? Culture environment, 1. The root system of soil lily is more developed.

  • Can I put white violets indoors?

    Can I put white violets indoors?

    Can I put white violets indoors?

  • Can the latest white violets be put indoors?

    Can the latest white violets be put indoors?

    White violets can be put indoors, its flower posture is elegant and generous, and it can play a role in beautifying the environment. White violets can also freshen the air, which is conducive to the physical and mental health of the human body, but pay attention to indoor maintenance. It should be placed in an environment with good ventilation and lighting.

    2020-11-10 The latest white violets can put indoors Mo
  • Can water lilies be planted indoors?

    Can water lilies be planted indoors?

    We all know that there are countless varieties of flowers in the world, and quite a few of them have not been heard of, but I believe you must have heard the name of this plant, that is, water lilies. With the progress of aquaculture technology and the improvement of people's requirements for air, when planting plants, people often choose to put them indoors, but we are very clear that if there are certain conditions for plants to be raised indoors, is this one suitable for growing in the room?

  • How do orchids reproduce indoors or outdoors?

    How do orchids reproduce indoors or outdoors?

    Orchid, which is a flower that many families like to grow, has a certain ornamental value. How do orchids reproduce? Do orchids go indoors or outdoors? How to reproduce orchids: 1. Sowing and propagation: the orchid seed is very fine, there is only one underdeveloped embryo in the seed, the germination power is very low, and the seed coat is not easy to absorb water.

  • Are dahlias suitable for indoor cultivation?

    Are dahlias suitable for indoor cultivation?

    Dahlias are not suitable for keeping indoors. They need plenty of light every day. Putting them indoors will affect its growth. It will also smell flowers, which may cause discomfort when smelled by people who don't like it. If farming, it is best to put it outdoors, really can not be put on the balcony, but it is best not to put it indoors.

  • You can plant trees indoors, of course, but you'd better raise them to make you rich.

    You can plant trees indoors, of course, but you'd better raise them to make you rich.

    Of course, you can plant trees indoors, but you'd better raise these kinds, which can add wealth to yourself. many people like to raise plants, but most of them keep smaller potted plants at home. Some people even like to raise smaller succulent plants.

  • Can longevity flowers be kept indoors? Detailed explanation of aquaculture methods and matters needing attention!

    Can longevity flowers be kept indoors? Detailed explanation of aquaculture methods and matters needing attention!

    Longevity flower, also known as longevity flower and caramel flower, is a common flower viewing plant indoors. It is deeply loved by flower friends because of its beautiful flowers and long flowering period. Many people like to keep several pots at home. Can longevity flowers be kept indoors? Methods and attention of aquaculture

    2020-11-09 Longevity flowers can put indoors raise detailed explanation hydroponics culture
  • Is wisteria poisonous? can wisteria be cultivated indoors / poisonous but can be raised indoors?

    Is wisteria poisonous? can wisteria be cultivated indoors / poisonous but can be raised indoors?

    Wisteria is a kind of highly ornamental flower, which can be seen in many gardens in our country, and because of its high ornamental, many people want to raise this kind of plant at home, but many plants are poisonous to a certain extent. so when breeding, it is necessary to find out whether wisteria is poisonous.

  • Be careful in choosing flowers. Don't put them indoors for maintenance.

    Be careful in choosing flowers. Don't put them indoors for maintenance.

    Raising flowers and plants at home has become a choice for many people. Beautiful plants can also purify the air, but not all flowers and plants are suitable to be placed indoors. The more beautiful the appearance, the greater the hidden danger.

  • Is iron begonia (tiger thorn plum) poisonous? Can I put it indoors?

    Is iron begonia (tiger thorn plum) poisonous? Can I put it indoors?

    Iron Begonia, also known as tiger thorn plum, is a trailing shrub plant of Euphorbiaceae, with hard and pointed thorns on its stem, small flowers, long flowering period and bright colors, so many people want to raise a pot. So, is iron begonia poisonous? Can I put it indoors? Is Iron Begonia poisonous?

    2020-11-09 Iron begonia tiger thorn plum poisonous can be put indoors iron
  • Growing these three kinds of flowers indoors should not be misplaced with good luck. Many people misput them.

    Growing these three kinds of flowers indoors should not be misplaced with good luck. Many people misput them.

    Potted flowers have entered the public life, basically every household will raise some flowers and plants, whether it is common green apple, rich bamboo and other foliage plants, or longevity flowers, gentleman orchids and other flowering plants. In fact, growing flowers here.

  • Summer indoor most suitable for maintenance of these three kinds of green plants put a pot full of green breath

    Summer indoor most suitable for maintenance of these three kinds of green plants put a pot full of green breath

    Summer is the most annoying, although there is air conditioning around, but people in the air-conditioned room for a long time is not particularly good for the body, so many flower friends will raise some green plants indoors to increase the green smell, reduce irritability. Today...

  • Interior decoration: how to put bonsai, potted plants and flower arrangement indoors!

    Interior decoration: how to put bonsai, potted plants and flower arrangement indoors!

    There are some green in the room, which can add fresh and lively breath of life to the room. Therefore, in the indoor layout of many families, bonsai, potted plants and flower arrangement are often used to decorate and decorate the indoor environment. Interior decoration: how to put bonsai, potted plants and flower arrangement in the interior is an original art in our country.

  • Is a string of red poisonous? can a string of red be put indoors / non-toxic / suitable for indoor culture

    Is a string of red poisonous? can a string of red be put indoors / non-toxic / suitable for indoor culture

    A string of red is also known as ivory red, because it is a plant of the sage family, so many flower lovers are worried about its safety, because some plants of sage will cause discomfort when they are planted, so is a string of red poisonous? Can I put a string of red inside? Next, the editor will give you a detailed answer.

  • Is Paphiopedilum suitable for indoor planting? is it harmful to the human body?

    Is Paphiopedilum suitable for indoor planting? is it harmful to the human body?

    Aristolochia, which is also a kind of plant, is a kind of plant that many people like. It looks good, so is it suitable for indoor planting? Is it harmful to the human body: is Aristolochia suitable for indoor planting: Paphiopedilum is a terrestrial plant. Wild Aristolochia grows on rocky trees. The plant is small and suitable for potted plants.

  • How to raise indoor potted plants

    How to raise indoor potted plants

    Indoor potted plants, which many people like to breed, are so popular.

  • Can carnations be kept indoors?

    Can carnations be kept indoors?

    The flower of the carnation has several colors, which gives people a very good feeling. It is a very popular plant, and many people will choose this plant, but usually they will not give it to their loved ones, but will send it to their mother's hand, because this plant has a lot to do with their mother. Nowadays, many people grow carnations, or they buy its flowers and enjoy them at home, but although the flowers are beautiful, there are still many places to pay attention to. For example, whether they can be put indoors is a big problem.
